A world of thanks to T.K who suggested a quick and easy want to copy and past from an Adobe file.
How to from T.K.
Here's another idea. If you open the PDF file, go to the page you want to make a jpg of. Right click on it and you should get a little menu that offers you some options including "Select Tool". Click on that, then start at the upper corner of the image you want, click and drag to the diagonally opposite corner (if the whole image is not in the window that's okay, just keep dragging a little below the bottom of the window and it will scroll the page as you drag. When you release the mouse, the area you want will be selected. Right-click on it again and this time you are offered the ability to Copy Image. You can then Paste it as a new image in Paint Shop Pro or whatever image editor you have, and then save that as a jpg.
And it works perfectly…… I did a Google search and found many programs for converting PDF to Windows and I even downloaded one. But when I clicked on the the icon for the program a template came up with no instructions on “how to do.” I am pretty good with the workings of the computer and I was going to work on it this evening.
I copied and pasted it in Windows Live Writer and it magically appeared. Now if it disappears I will have to use a my photo editing software. I hope it stays.
Now, the above document states that Patrick obtained his citizenship in 1884. That was twelve years after he arrived in the USA. This document was a copy of the original issued a few years later.
My question now is why he had it reissued? And my second question is why I can not find the same information on Footnote, or any other data base??
You're welcome, Claudia, I'm glad you were able to snag such a nice document!