Tuesday, June 9, 2009


Today Chuck and I went to St Anthony's Cemetery to see if I could get some information on record. I was interested in his gggranparents Christof and Margaretha BUCHL Sperl. They died in the early 1900's and their death record stated they were buried in St. Anthony's. I also wanted to find some of his great uncles who disappeared off the census roster sometime between 1910 and 1920.

What I did find out was there was a fire in the 1960's and the records do not exist..........The records they do have is because someone went and recorded all the transcriptions from the existing stones and the records from the deaths post 1960 is all they have. So back to the drawing board, which ever it is.

I was able to get a photo for my cousin Julie, she wanted one of her grandparents. Mission accomplished on that end. I guess when we go to Uniondale those records will be gone too, but, maybe they will have a stone.

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